Audience: Families

woman hugging young boy
CCSA Staff

Saturday’s Eviction Ban is Set to Expire, Increasing the Risk of Homelessness for N.C. Families with Children

Saturday’s nationwide eviction ban is set to expire. President Biden is asking Congress to extend the ban. Congress needs to hear from you! We advocate for young children to be in high quality early learning programs. We also must advocate for them to be in safe and secure homes. Both housing and early childhood programming are essential for our children and families!

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CCSA Staff

Wake County Mother: CCSA’s Child Care Referral Central Makes Finding the Right Child Care “Easy Breezy”

Consuelo Martinez, a first-time mother, reached out to our child care referral program looking for guidance about choosing an appropriate program for her 2-year-old son. New to the area, the Martinez family knew next to nothing about the various programs available to them. CCSA’s CCRC referral specialists were ready to help.

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diverse group of young children pose smiling on floor
From the President
CCSA Staff

It’s Time to Bring Child Care Assistance and Safe and Secure Housing Together for Young Children in Families Experiencing Homelessness

Additional federal funds have arrived. Guidance documents are now available. It’s time to expand the partnerships necessary to ensure young children in families experiencing homelessness have access to high-quality child care and housing. It’s doable. It’s time to prioritize it.

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