Audience: Providers

NC Early Childhood/School age workforce registry final report and recommendations
CCSA Staff

Child Care Services Association Releases a NC Workforce Registry Report

The report synthesizes the process and methodology used to gather data about the perceived value of and interest in a workforce registry. The report concludes with five recommendations. The report’s key finding is that there is overwhelming support from educators, administrators and stakeholders alike for implementing a EC/SA workforce registry in NC.

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Cover of CCSA 2020-2021 Annual Report featuring a young girl of color holding a teddy bear, both wearing masks
CCSA Staff

Building a New Reality During the Pandemic: CCSA’s 2021 Annual Report

In this annual report, you will see the remarkable work child care providers have done to give children the stability and certainty they need during a time when instability still controls every aspect of our lives. You will also see the efforts of our great CCSA staff to continue their work with children, families and child care programs as we see through this pandemic.

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