From the President

Young girl wearing mask holding hand of adult
From the President
CCSA Staff

Families with Young Children Experiencing Homelessness: It’s Time for Community Solutions

Families with young children experiencing homelessness are nearly invisible. It’s time for communities to come together to collaborate on affordable housing initiatives for families with young children, and to look for every opportunity possible to provide supportive services, including early intervention services, for families with children under age 6 experiencing homelessness.

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An image of a young boy with the blog title overlaid
CCSA Staff

An Invisible Crisis: Early Childhood Homelessness – A Primer

Approximately one in 18 (1.3 million) infants, toddlers and preschoolers experiences homelessness each year, impacting their health, well-being, and development. This primer explores the impact of early childhood homelessness across the United States on our young children…

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