
A diverse group of a teacher and 3 toddlers read a book
CCSA Staff

How can we improve early childhood education? Implement a permanent solution that uses public dollars to pay teachers more.

We’ve said it before. We need a way forward – a post-pandemic strategy to better compensate the child care workforce. This period of temporary increases in child care funding offers states an opportunity to provide a bridge for longer-term solutions. It is time to build the bridge between the pandemic-related supplemental federal funds for child care and the post-pandemic child care landscape upon which parents and employers will depend. Economic recovery and growth depend on it.

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Cover of CCSA 2020-2021 Annual Report featuring a young girl of color holding a teddy bear, both wearing masks
CCSA Staff

Building a New Reality During the Pandemic: CCSA’s 2021 Annual Report

In this annual report, you will see the remarkable work child care providers have done to give children the stability and certainty they need during a time when instability still controls every aspect of our lives. You will also see the efforts of our great CCSA staff to continue their work with children, families and child care programs as we see through this pandemic.

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