
CCSA Staff

Appreciating AWARD$ Plus: Painting a Masterpiece

Union County toddler teacher LaTonya Pegues got her Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education in her 40s, and she is proud that she went back to school and stuck with it. She said, “It was hard, but I did it! I have a son and two grandchildren. I’m a teacher

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CCSA Staff

Housing and Children First Plan: A Much-Needed Two-Generation Strategy

As a life-long child advocate, I’ve come across great ideas that are difficult to pursue because of the siloed way that federal funding is too frequently made available – a specific purpose, specific targeting and eligibility rules and siloed administration. For me, who sees the connection between a family’s need for affordable housing and a parent’s need for child care to obtain and retain employment (which pays the rent), it’s a challenge to integrate the two concepts.

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Child Care Services Association to Launch National Early Childhood Educator Apprenticeship Program

This fall, Child Care Services Association (CCSA)’s T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® National Center (National Center) will launch a pilot apprenticeship program in six states, including Arkansas, Colorado, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Arkansas Early Childhood Association, Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance of Colorado, Child Care Aware® of Minnesota, Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association, Pennsylvania Child Care Association and Wisconsin Early Childhood Association will work with the National Center to develop pilot apprenticeship programs.

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CCSA Staff

Economic Growth Depends on Child Care – Progress Post Labor-Day Needed

As Labor Day approaches, there is much to celebrate. The nation’s unemployment rate, which rose in spring 2020 with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, has returned to 3.5% (the same level of unemployment that existed in February 2020).1 North Carolina is recovering faster than the national average with unemployment

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