Teacher plays with blocks on floor with 4-5 young children
CCSA Staff

Part-day Preschool Registration Time is upon Us!

Most preschools begin accepting applications for the next year’s classes by December and January. If your family is looking for a part-day preschool that can later transition your child(ren) to a full-day schedule, Child Care Referral Central can help!

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three diverse pre-k children
CCSA Staff

Why is Pre-K Important?

Pre-K helps children begin to associate more with their peers, and it focuses some on academic topics, but more on helping children learn how to relate to one another, how to follow a daily schedule, how to perform self-help tasks such as tying on shoes, putting on jackets and sweaters, handwashing and other things that children will need to be able to do in kindergarten.

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An adult playing with a toddler
CCSA Staff

Planning for Summer Camp – In the Winter!

Did you know January is the best time to search for summer camp for your child? But what kind of summer camp will your child need? Learn how to research an in-person summer camp or reach out to us for help

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CCSA Staff

Wake County Mother: CCSA’s Child Care Referral Central Makes Finding the Right Child Care “Easy Breezy”

Consuelo Martinez, a first-time mother, reached out to our child care referral program looking for guidance about choosing an appropriate program for her 2-year-old son. New to the area, the Martinez family knew next to nothing about the various programs available to them. CCSA’s CCRC referral specialists were ready to help.

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