CCSA Covid-19 relief fund graphic
CCSA COVID-19 Relief Fund
CCSA Staff

Child Care Services Association Starts COVID-19 Relief Fund

Child Care Services Association starts COVID-19 Relief Fund for families and child care programs in North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N.C., March 25, 2020: Child Care Services Association (CCSA) established the COVID-19 Relief Fund to help families and child care programs in North Carolina with urgent and long-term expenses during the COVID-19

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CCSA Staff

Our Children’s Future Depends on Your Vote

This year marks the 100th year anniversary of women’s right to vote in the United States, with the ratification of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Women waged a nearly 100-year effort, marked by setbacks and conflict while demanding the right to vote. Yet today, there are still significant

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