child care

CCSA Holiday card with a person lifting a Black baby into a blue sky background
CCSA Staff

Reflecting on the Year in Child Care

As we began 2021, many of us looked forward to turning the corner on the challenges of COVID-19. However, the pandemic still affects all of our lives. It has significantly impacted the early childhood education field in ways that are not currently adequately addressed. Yet we have begun to see

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How CCSA's COVID-19 Relief Fund made a significant difference for child care programs across N.C.
CCSA Staff

“Perfect Timing”: How CCSA’s COVID-19 Relief Fund Made a Significant Difference for Child Care Programs Across N.C.

Awarded child care programs share the impact of the grant first-hand: “…The timing [of the CCSA COVID-19 Relief Fund] was perfect. It came at a point in time where there was a lot of uncertainty and a lot of demand for us to stay open, but we didn’t know what that was supposed to look like and we weren’t getting a lot of guidance.”

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CCSA Staff

Wake County Mother: CCSA’s Child Care Referral Central Makes Finding the Right Child Care “Easy Breezy”

Consuelo Martinez, a first-time mother, reached out to our child care referral program looking for guidance about choosing an appropriate program for her 2-year-old son. New to the area, the Martinez family knew next to nothing about the various programs available to them. CCSA’s CCRC referral specialists were ready to help.

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